Santos Brasil is included on B3's ISE for second consecutive year


The company also remains in the ICO2 portfolio, which takes GHG emissions efficiency into account

For the second year in a row, Santos Brasil has been included in the Brazilian Stock Exchange’s (B3) Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), which gathers a select group of companies recognized as being committed to the ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) agenda. The 19th B3 ISE portfolio will be in effect from January 01 to December 31, 2024, and features 78 publicly traded companies from 36 different sectors. 

Additionally, for the third year, Santos Brasil remained in the ICO2 (Carbon Efficient Index) portfolio, also compiled by B3, made up of shares of companies that adopt transparent practices regarding their greenhouse gas emissions and that take into account the degree efficiency of such emissions.

Santos Brasil is listed on B3’s “Novo Mercado,” the highest standard of corporate governance, and has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2013. The Company is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and has already taken on – among its main challenges – the commitment to actively contribute toward environmental conservation and human development. Its shares are also part of the S&P/B3 Brasil ESG index, which includes companies with good practices related to environmental preservation and social development and high standards of Corporate Governance; and the IGPTW, which brings together companies with best practices on the labor market.

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